Alexandra Paun is fire! :)) A bit like me, getting in everything - not always finishing in time what she started :)) - but definetly involved and present, making a statement and making a difference.
I saw her evolve from an ethusiastic student, to a passionate learner of Japanese, then I-GO, then member of Save the Children Romania, then Japanese Language Guide and Interpreter and in the end - a wonderfull human being. I am probably too indulgent with my praise, you might think, but I know what I KNOW.

With her classemate and friend Alina Radulescu she was participating in JRP - Peace Summit Japan and she was the one to win, altough Alina's essey was as good as her - jsut different and she was representing Ion Creanga High-School in Japan. Moreover, she ended up and she did with great pose represent Romania, as the Summit was related that year with AICHI Mondial Expo.

With her classemate and friend Alina Radulescu she was participating in JRP - Peace Summit Japan and she was the one to win, altough Alina's essey was as good as her - jsut different and she was representing Ion Creanga High-School in Japan. Moreover, she ended up and she did with great pose represent Romania, as the Summit was related that year with AICHI Mondial Expo.

Then she russhed help the I-GO movement, again with Alina in schools arpund Bucharest and in between she made a good impression at the Mondial Conference of Postal Service held in Romania (as part of a team sent to interpret and assist the Japanese delegation) and she passed a little the entrance examination at Bucharest University - Japanese Department.
Oh, many speech contest participations - I will try and find out - how many :)), started Spanish and translation for medical websites, and now she is so into Koreean ...LOL Go girl!
Oh, did I metion she was also in Japanese Theatre Group in high-school performing in the Japanese version of `LA MEDELENI`?? :))
2005 JRP Nihongo Summit“Love, Earth and Peace”Panellists have been selectedI would like to express my great appreciation to all those who gave us their kind support for the organisation of this year’s“2005 JRP Nihongo Summit”, and am hereby pleased to inform you that a total of 16 panellists as listed below from 16countries were selected on the 15th January, from among a total of 55 applicants from 29 countries; 23 from 14 countries forthe Junior Category and 32 from 15 countries for the Senior Category; eight each for the Junior (the invitation closed on 15thOctober) and Senior Categories (the invitation closed on 15th November).
All of them have been selected following the first,second and final screenings based on the assigned essay and the videotape for oral proficiency evaluation, of which the secondand final selections were conducted by ten selection judges.Miyoko IkezakiCEO & Executive Managing DirectorThe Japan Return Programme
【Overseas Panellists】《Junior Category》 8 panellists from 8 countries
Bulgaria Savina IVANOVA 18th high School“William Gladston” (Female/Age 16)

Bulgaria Savina IVANOVA 18th high School“William Gladston” (Female/Age 16)
China Kin Ei SAI Ji-lin shi Chao xian zu junior high school (Female/Age 18)
Canada Tiffany TONG Carson Graham Secondary School (Female/Age 16)
Sri Lanka Diani NANDASIRI J.M.C. International Collage (Female/Age 15)
Romania Alexandra PAUN Ion Creanga high school (Female/Age 17)
Mongolia Tungalag BYAMBATSOGT 23rd Dondso Ragoori (Female/Age 17)
Russia Ekaterina MOSHKINA Shiberian State University (Female/Age 19)
Paraguay Lucy LISBOA Eswela de Idioma Japones de Yguazu (Female/Age 17)
Alexandra Paun, reprezentanta Romaniei la Forumul Mondial al Copiilor
29 iulie - Alexandra Paun, o tinara eleva de 17 ani, reprezentanta Romaniei la Forumul Mondial al Copiilor, a vizitat astazi Pavilionul tarii noastre la Aichi. Alexandra este eleva la Liceul Ion Creanga din Bucuresti, studiaza japoneza, si a castigat un concurs de eseuri pe teme legate de ecologie. Ea a participat la Forumul Mondial al Copiilor desfasurat la site-ul EXPO, impreuna cu tineri din intreaga lume. Forumul s-a desfasurat in limba japoneza. In Pavilionul Romaniei, Alexandra a inregistrat mesajul sau catre participantii la Forum, mesaj care a fost transmis in direct la postul de televiziune NHK. In cursul sederii sale in Japonia, ea a vizitat mai multe orase si locuri istorice, precum si Ambasada tarii noastre la Tokyo.