What is KAME doing in TOKYO?
At first, I was not sure! Loooong story ...
See when I left Romania I had almost 35 persons seeing me off to the airport, most of them, my high school students and I was already upset because I was leving behind the job I loved most: teaching Japanese.
Now, at the airport my mom was pretty moved to see such a crowd and told me: Woaw, they love you so much they came all this way to say Bye!, but I have my own theory that maybe they just wanted to make sure I am really leaving so they can celebrate!! LOL
(OK, ok! I admitt I was moved and I know how much I mean to all those people seeing me off, so this is why it was so difficult to leave and so difficult to reach Tokyo and discover that NO ONE needs me, cares about me - long story). And it was more confusing because I came from a very hecting, long hours work schedule to something like: you have to be at school Tuesday and Thursday, write your research and stay out of trouble ....
The only good part was that VIO, one of my students also travelled with me in the same plane (She got a 5 years scholarship the same time I got mine. which was the best present for me as a teacher that year!) Since then I had other of my high school students coming to Japan and it was so rewarding to see their joy and their wonder to see all the places they heard about in my classes.
But to get it down to this entry:

I came as a Research Student in Education at Ochanomizu Joshi University (a university for girls famous in Japan for raising: Good wives and Wise mothers!) Hmmm, that will be my comment for another day ......

Now I am a Master Student (1st year) in Educational Science since April 2007 at the same university. I am taking courses like: 教育思想 (Philosophy of Education)、教育発達 (The Progress of Education studying about UNESCO / UNICEF programs)、教育課程 (Curriculum), 生涯教育(Adult Learning Education), I am participating at Education Conferences as the one last week held by HITACHI GROUP or I am part of my team who manage in collaboration with JICA / JOCV a 7 weeks course for Educators from French Speaking African regions (my french really improved).
I am a member of English Speaking Union of Japan (an organization composed of ex-ambassadors and press people in love with English and foreign cultures).

I am also a member of CWAJ (College Women Association of Japan) in Foreign Students Circle (meaning we meet couple of times a month and act as mentors for foreign students living in Tokyo) and in Scholarship Committee (which grants 5 / 6 sholarship per year for people who wish to study in Japan and Abroad).

I am helping Romanian-Japan Music Organization (Mrs. Kazuko Shimada) to organize the George Enescu Contest (last year & this year) and the Romanian Fashion Event to rise funds for musical isntruments to be donated to Romania (a program which also granted ION CREANGA High School an electronic piano).

I am helping and eating from time to time at the Romanian Restaurant in Nakano-Sakaue because the food is great and Iulia the owner is a woderful, down to earth person.
I am working as Pool Administrator at TOKYO AMERICAN CLUB, a job where I feel like home and is almost as rewarding as my job back home at ION CREANGA High School.

In fact my real position is Assistant Manager, but due to my visa status (research student) I cannot be titled accordingly so don`t be surprised if you drop by and see me shouting orders up and down.
Hmm, what else am I doing in Tokyo??
Oh, yeah, I was modelling for Very magazine in June 2006 and I am spending all my money travelling (taking lots of pictures) and shoping at 100 Y Shop!
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